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Performance Art

    Producer/Artistic Director/Roller Skating Choreographer

SDE is the first of its kind to showcase synesthete dancers, visual artists, choreographers, and multi media art as an immersive 4D multisensory show for the audience. What is synesthesia? A neurological phenomena affecting only about 4% of the population! 


Synaesthesia: what is the taste of the color blue? is presented by Building Bridges Art Exchange,

Art Sci UCLA, and the International Association of Synaesthetes, Artists, and Scientists, of which Appelusa is a founding member and the Performance Curator.


Synaesthesia Dance Experience premiered October 1st 2017 at the Actors Gang Theatre in Culver City, CA as one of many exciting events during a two month synaesthesia international exhibition entitled Synaesthesia: What is the taste of the color blue? 

Academic Poster

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